Sacramental Programmes

The Sacraments


Baptism is an important event in the life of your family, with relatives and friends coming together to share your joy and happiness at the birth of your child. It is also a very important and joyful event in the life of the Church. Through Baptism your child will enter into the life of Jesus Christ, they will become part of the Church and seek to grow in the ways of God, therefore it is necessary, and you will be expected, to prepare for this event. To find out more about Baptism, please attend one of our Sunday Masses and introduce yourself to one of the Parish Team. A home visit will then be arranged to look at, and prepare for this special Sacrament.


Confirmation is open to all baptised Catholics from the age of 12 (School Year 8) upwards. For further details contact one of the Parish Team

First Sacraments

The preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion is done jointly between the primary schools and the local church. The invitation is extended to children from year 3 and upward. Families with children in other schools should contact the Parish Team at the beginning of the school year.


Congratulations if you are planning to celebrate your marriage in the near future. Please contact one of the Parish Team for further details. Couples are expected to prepare for their Celebration by attending a Course, run by Marriage Care, professional Marriage counsellors

Sacrament of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Sick is readily available for those suffering from illness, or preparing to go into hospital for surgery. Please contact the Parish Team. Parishioners in hospital wishing to receive the Sacraments, should do so through the hospital (by asking for the Catholic Chaplain) or by speaking to the Parish Team. Families may also wish to do so on their behalf.